Early Years R-2
The initial years at school are vital as they set strong foundations for future learning and success. Our team work closely with local feeder kindergartens well before children begin school. Our teachers regularly visit the local kindergarten to establish relationships with children and their families.
At Lobethal PS, teachers work collaboratively to plan learning that is active, playful, and engaging for young children. Daily learning includes:
- Phonics instruction using Jolly Phonics
- Phonemic awareness to hear and use sounds in words
- Guided reading and reading with an adult
- Maths to develop number sense and visual, spatial reasoning and problem solving
- Play-based investigations
- Speaking & listening activities to develop oral language and social skills
- Fine and gross motor tasks
Our classrooms are inviting, calm and spacious. Teachers and students take pride in their learning spaces and take care in how they present their learning.